Friday, August 5, 2011

Triple Digit Weekend

Not every bike ride is recorded in this blog. For that, the Garmin Connect site is pretty good. This blog is meant to be a place for interesting rides, achievements such as stage races, new places etc. Last weekend was not really remarkable in terms of neither the mileage nor places I rode. But I think that it sort of represented what kinds of rides one can do in the Bay Area: on Friday, I bike commuted to work. My work commute is 18.5 miles each way, my average speed is always the same 14.3mph and I arrive at work within a span of 3-4 minutes ride to ride. I only commute once a week, but those 10mi out of 18.5 are on the Sawyer Camp trail and the natural scenery, wildlife and weather change so much that is never boring.
Then on Saturday my colleague from work and I rode what I call "The Small Coastal Loop", Canada to Woodside, OLH to Skyline, down to San Gregorio on 84, up Tunitas Creek Rd followed by the never boring Kings Mountain Rd descent, and the usual headwind on the last few miles of Canada Rd going north. Again, I rode the exact same route in June, but is was different this time. Contrary to my expectation, it was sunny on the coast, and the climb up Tunitas felt really easy.
Finally, on Sunday, Marketa and I took our 29er hardtails to the Skyline to the Sea trail from Waddel Creek beach into Big Basin Redwoods park. This time, it was foggy as expected, but not windy and the 60F felt almost warm. The trail was a mix of deep dust and muddy sections where the redwoods runoff flowed onto the trail, so we ended up looking like real mountain bikers.

So all in all not very impressive 40+60+10 (rounded up) mile rides adding to 110 miles in three days, but all diverse and fun. Thinking of it, is there any reason why one could not bike 35 miles every single day?

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